(a) flattish area on each side of the forehead
(b) building where people worship a god or gods
(a) short thick finger set apart from the others
(b) all thumbs – very awkward with the hands (c) stick out like a sore thumb – seem out of place (d) thumb one's nose at – make fun (e) thumbs up / down – an expression of approval / disapproval (f) under someone's thumb – under the control of someone (g) rule of thumb – quick inexact way of calculating or judging (h) thumb a ride – ask passing motorists for a ride by signaling with one's thumb (i) thumb through – look through (a book) quickly
(a) any of the 5 small movable parts at the end of the foot
(b) part of a shoe or sock covering these (c) on one's toe – fully ready for action (d) toe the line – act obediently
(a) movable organ in the mouth used for talking, tasting, licking, etc.
(b) object like this in shape or purpose (c) language (d) hold one's tongue – remain silent (e) (with) tongue in cheek – saying or doing something one does not seriously mean
Tooth / Teeth:
(a) small bony object growing in the mouth,used for biting
(b) any of the pointed parts standing out from a comb, saw, cog, etc. (c) ability to produce an effect (d) armed to the teeth – very heavily armed (e) fight tooth and nail – fight very voilently (f) get one's teeth into – do a job very actively and purposefully (g) in the teeth of – against and in spite of (h) lie through one's teeth – lie shamelessly (i) set someone's teeth on edge – give someone an unpleasant sensation caused by certain acid tastes or high sounds (j) sweet tooth – liking for sweet and sugary things
(a) body without the head or limbs
(b) main stem of a tree (c) large box in which things are packed for travelling (d) elephant's long nose (e) space at the back of a car for boxes, etc. (f) trunks – men's shorts for swimming
(a) tube carrying blood back to the heart
(b) thin line running through a leaf or insect's wing (c) crack in rock, containing metal (d) small but noticeable amount (e) state of mind
Posted by Jade Dame