ကိေလသဝဋ္ /ki. lei tha. wu'/
n impure, lustful desires which perpetuate a cycle of existences and suffering. [Pali ကိေလသ + ဝ႗]ကိေလသာ /ki. lei tha/
n passion; lust; evil desire. [Pali ကိေလသ] There are 10 defilements: 1 lobha (greed) 2 dosa (hate) 3 moha (confusion) 4 māna (conceit) 5 ditthi (speculative views) 6 vicikicchā (skeptical doubt) 7 thīna (mental laziness) 8 uddhacca (restlessness) 9 ahirika (shamelessness) 10 anottappa (lack of fear of wrongdoing or unconscientiousness). [Pali: kilesa]ကုဋီ /ku. di/
n 1 chamber used for religious purposes. 2 water-closet for Buddhist monks. [Pali ကုဋိ]ကုေဋ /gadei/ n ten million. [Pali ေကာဋိ]
ကုသိုလ္ /ku. dhou/
n virtuous action; merit. [Pali ကုသလ] Wholesome, skillful, good, meritorious. An action characterized by this moral quality (kusala- kamma) is bound to result (eventually) in happiness and a favorable outcome. Actions characterized by its opposite (akusala-kamma) lead to sorrow. See kamma. [Pali: kusala]ကုသုိလ္ကံ /ku. dhou kan/ n Same as ကံ n 1, 2.
ေကစိဝါဒ /kei si. wa da./ n [derogatory] alien concept. [Pali ေကစိ + ဝါဒ]
ေကသာ /kei tha/ n hair. [Pali ေကသာ]
ေကာဏာဂုံ /ko: na goun/
n name of the second of the five Buddhas to spread enlightenment in this world. See also ဘဒၵကမၻာ. [Pali ေကာဏာ ဂမန]ေကာလာဟလ /ko: la hala./
n 1 proclamation of an impending event. 2 rumour. [Pali ေကာလာဟလ]ေကာ္ေရာ္ /ko jo/ v respect; venerate; revere (as in ႐ွိခိုး ~ - ).
ကံ /kan/
n 1 one's deed, word or thought which predetermines one's future. 2 luck, fortune, lot. [Pali ကမၼ] Any intentional mental, verbal or bodily act.Posted by Nyan U