What OCD is.
OCD is an anxiety disorder in which sufferers do certain things with great attention to detail. They think that something will go wrong if they do something carelessly.
They perfectly understand that their thoughts and actions are not normal. But they cannot control themselves.
Effect of OCD
OCD may disrupt a person's life to a greater extent. However, depending upon individual sufferer, some may be barely bothered, while others spend a lot of time on compulsive actions almost everyday.
Common types
Five common types of OCD exist. They may also appear in combination.
1. Checkers
2. Hoarders
3. Obsessionals
4. Orderers
5.Washers and Cleaners
What they fear and how they behave
Checkers_ fear that they will cause harm and will be blamed if they forget to lock or switch off something. They go on checking and rechecking locks and switches in the house or office.
Hoarders_ have excessive fear of throwing away certain things in belief that they may be useful in the future. They collect and keep both useless and useful items in bulk though they are not able to use up all of them.
Obsessionals_ have violent scenes of hurting a loved one in their thoughts. To get rid of the disturbing thoughts, they repeat words or counting repeatedly.
Orderers_ used to keep objects orderly or in a fixed position before doing a daily routine. They will be bitterly disappointed if those things are shifted or out of place.
Washers and Cleaners_ have a constant fear of contamination, getting a disease and spreading it to other people. They keep away from or discard all possible sources of bacteria and unclean matter.
Do treatment be necessary and effective?
It would be wise to be treated if there are disturbances in performing daily tasks or work because of anxiety. Though treatment may takes long time, most anxiety disorders can be cured or can improve the present condition effectively.
Posted by Jade Dame
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