A-: without, negative, not
eg. Avitaminosis_ disease resulting from a deficiency of one or more vitamins.
Ana-: upward, back, again
eg. Anaplasia_ reversion of cells to a more primitive or undifferentiated form, often seenin malignant tumour.
Andro-: male
eg. Androgen_ male sex hormone as testosterone.
Angio-: vessel
eg. Angiosclerosis_ a thickening and hardening of the walls of blood vessels.
Ante-: before
eg. Antemortem_ preceding death.
Anti-: against
eg. Antibiotic_ tending to prevent, inhibit or destroy life.
Arth-: joint
eg. Arthritis_ inflammation of joints due to infectious, metabolic or constitutional causes.
Auto-: self
eg. Autoimmune_ of, relating to, or caused by antibodies or T cells that attack molecules, cells, or tissues of the organism producing them (autoimmune diseases).
Brady-: slow
eg. Bradycrotic_ marked by inducing slowness of pulse.
Blast-: bud, budding, germ
eg. Blastomycosis_ infectious diseases caused by yeast-like fungi.
Bronchi-: wind pipe
eg. Bronchitis_ acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes.
Cardi-: heart
eg. Carditis_ inflammation of the heart muscle.
Chole-: bile
eg. Cholecystitis_ inflammation of the gallbladder.
Con-: together, with
eg. Conjoined twins_ twins that are physically united at some part or parts of their bodies at the time of birth.
Contra-: against
eg. Contraception_ deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation.
Cranio-: skull
eg. Craniocele_ a congenital gap in the skull that usually results in a protrusion of brain material.
Cysto-: sac or vesicle, bladder
eg. Cystocele_ hernia of the urinary bladder.
Derm-: skin
eg. Dermatitis_ inflammation of the skin
Dys-: abnormal, impaired, difficulty
eg. Dyspnea_ difficulty in breathing often associated with lung or heart disease and resulting in shortness of breath.
Posted by Jade Dame
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