Fear denotes a feeling, that danger is near. No one haven't had fear. So is normal to every people. But when fear changes into special one, a phobia, that is a mental disorder.
What is Phobia?
Phobia is a continuous, strong, unreasonable fear of a certain thing, situation or action.
Why does Phobia occur?
Phobia may occur: through learnt behaviour ( a child from his mother); traumatic experience (being locked in a car); irrational (after seeing horror movie) and innate biological instincts.
Who is prone to Phobia?
Both children and adults. Childhood phobias are likely to be temporary, whereas adult phobias are tend to be permanent unless they are properly treated.
What are the consequences of untreated Phobia?
Untreated Phobia may result other forms of mental illnesses, particularly other anxiety disorders, depression and substance abuse.
How can phobics be treated?
The proper treatments may be: anti-depressant medication; counselling therapy; exposure therapy (i.e. exposing to them gradually the feared thing until they overcome their worries) and professional care by the psychiatrist. Some people stay away from what they fear throughout their lives.
Are the treatment be successful?
Successful of the treatment depends upon the individual. Some sufferer may respond to treatment after a while (a few months) while others may take for a long time (a year or more).What are the signs of Phobia?
(a) Feel uncontrollably anxious when faced with the object or situation of fear.
(b) Unable to perform daily tasks because of anxiety.
(c) Feel necessary to do whatever it may be to keep away from fear.
(d) Cannot control feelings despite of knowing that the fears are exaggerated.(e) Faster heart beat, speed up breathing, muscle tighten and perspiring.(f) Even the thought of the feared thing will make to feel anxious.
Posted by Jade Dame
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