Wide range of possibilities make phobia to exist. And so, it is more
common than other anxiety disorders. Phobia vary according to the
fear, such as:
Achluophobia: fear of darkness
Acrophobia: fear of heights
Agliophobia: fear of pain
Agoraphobia: fear of situations (crowded area, open space)
Aviophobia: fear of flying
Bacteriophobia: fear of bacteria
Brontophobia: fear of thunder and lightning
Carcinophobia: fear of cancer
Chiraptophobia: fear of being touched
Claustrophobia: fear of confined spaces
Didaskaleinophobia: fear of going to school
Dysmorphophobia: fear of deformity
Elurophobia: fear of cats
Enochlophobia: fear of crowds
Gamophobia: fear of marriage
Gerascophobia: fear of growing old
Haemaphobia: fear of blood
Homophobia: fear of sameness
Iatrophobia: fear of visiting to the doctor
Lachanophobia: fear of vegetables
Mysophobia: fear of germs
Necrophobia: fear of death or dead things
Ophidiophobia: fear of snakes
Ornithophobia: fear of birds
Paedophobia: fear of children
Pediophobia: fear of dolls
Sciophobia: fear of shadows
Scoleciphobia: fear of worms
Social phobia: fear of social situations
Trypanophobia: fear of injections
Xenophobia: fear of strangers or foreigners
Zoophobia: fear of animals.
Posted by Jade Dame
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