The word book comes from Old English “bōc” which itself comes from the Germanic root “bōk”. It means a written work printed on various materials such as paper, parchment, stone, wood, digital media, etc. bound together. It has been also published for distribution to the public.
Books may also refer to works of literary thought. In librarianship, a book is called a monograph which is differentiated from the periodicals. Books may be bought from bookshops. Books can also be borrowed from libraries.
According to the estimation of Google in 2010, there were approximately 130 million unique books in the world. It's too large in number to read all. The 20th century had faced an information explosion. Thus an ever-increasing rate of publishing occurred. The Internet and the Electronic publishing create an easy way to book-production. So, new information has possibly less printing in paper books.
Today a book published in electronic format is known as an e-book (electronic book) or a digital book. It is an e-text that refers to a digital version of a conventional printed book. An e-book is usually made available through the internet. E-Books may be read either via a computer or by means of a portable e-book reader.
Nowadays many books may be produced digitally in a short period. But, most digital publications are not available to the public, and there will be no decline in the rate of paper book publishing.
As a diverse people, there are different selections in almost every category in life. Books give a great deal of variety in types of genres for people to enjoy. Everyone can make decision on book selection of what he likes. However, one can consider the book whether it leads to good or bad.
It is very important to know that each and every book would not be of value to someone. Some books are adopting bad attitude to life. According to the ALA,
“Not every book is right for every person, but providing a wide range of reading choices is vital for learning, exploration, and imagination.”
If one reads the books of priceless he will be much more in intellect. But, care must be taken how to use optimistically and not to do acts of terrorism by means of such knowledge. This intellectual deviation is very dangerous.
Each book has more or less latent power that develops in human brain. Finally it is important to get good result for everyone. Due to the various reasons i.e. political, religious, racial, controversial etc. some books are banned by the authority of government or society. The intellectual persons should read those banned books today.
A banned book is one that has been censored by an authority. In the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18 states “Everyone has the right to freedom thought, conscience and religion”; Article 19 states “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression”. However, should the right to freedom for anyone not be reasonable and fare?
Posted by Junk Guy
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