Sunday, March 28, 2010

Health Words Saying More than Health (4)

(a) person who takes care of sick, hurt or old people especially in hospital
(b) take care of as or like a nurse (c) hold in the mind (d) handle carefully or lovingly (e) job of being a nurse
(a) cutting of the body to cure or remove a diseased part
(b) condition or process of working (c) thing (to be) done; activity (d) planned military movement  
(a) suffering in body or mind; hurting
(b) case of such suffering in a particular part (c) pain in the neck – person, thing or happening that makes one angry or tired (d) on / under pain of – at the risk of suffering (a punishment) if something is not done
(a) (face) looks a lighter colour than usual because of illness or anxiety
(b) whitish, not bright or dark (c) become pale (d) seem less important, clever, etc. when compared with (e) limit of proper behaviour
(a) person being treated medically
(b) showing patience
(a) painful swellings that appear in the vein inside a person's anus
(b) lots (c) very large amount of money (d) pile – tidy heap (e) large tall building (f) make a pile of (g) come or go in a (disorderly) crowd (h) soft surface of short threads on carpets or cloth (i) heavy supporting post hammered into the ground
(a) loss strength and health through grief
(b) have a strong desire especially that is impossible to fulfil (c) tall tree with thin sharp leaves that do not drop off in winter
(a) quickly spreading disease that kills many people
(b) widespread uncontrollable mass or number (c) trouble or annoy continually
(a) regular beating of blood in the body's blood tubes
(b) strong regular beat (c) short sound or electrical charge (d) move or flow with a strong beat (e) some seeds (peas, beans, lentils) which can be cooked and eaten
(a) person dishonestly claiming to be a doctor
(b) (make) the sound ducks made
(a) feeling one is going to be sick
(b) uncertain about the rightness of doing something
(a) suffering from rabies
(b) (of feelings or opinions) unreasoningly violent
(a) red spots on the skin caused by illness
(b) a rash – (sudden large number) of complaints (c) without thinking enough of the (possibly bad) results
(a) a severe injury in which a part of the body tears or bursts open
(b) (between people) relationship ends

Posted by Aye Sat 
[To be continued]

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Words Saying More than Health (3)

(a) (condition of having) gas in the stomach 
(b) substance like air (c) gas used for cooking, heating, poisoning, etc. (d) liquid obtained from petroleum and used for producing power in engines (e) kill with gas (f) talk a long time (g) gas up – fill a vehicle with a gas

(a) pain in the head 
(b) problem
(a) ability to hear sound
(b) distance at which one can hear (c) act or experience of hearing (d) chance to explain (e) (law) trial of a case
(a) healthy
(b)friendly and cheerful (c) (of meals) large

(a) sick
(b) bad (c) badly (d) not enough (e) bad thing
(a) have the feeling of wanting to scratch the skin
(b) itching feeling (c) strong desire (d) be itching to / for – want very much

(a) unable to walk properly because of an illness or injury
(b) (of excuses, etc.) weak or poor
(a) a small, hard piece of flesh that is formed as a result of an injury or an illness
(b) solid mass (c) lump in the throat – tight sensation in the throat caused by unexpressed pity, sorrow, etc. (d) lump it – accept bad conditions without complaint (e) lump together – consider (2 or more things) as a single unit

(a) ill in the mind
(b) angry (c) very foolish (d) filled with strong interest (e) like mad – very hard, fast, loud, etc.
(a) substance for treating illness
(b) science of treating illness (c) a taste / dose of one's own medicine – deserved punishment
(a) have a miscarriage
(b) (of a plan) go wrong and fail
(a) person who cannot speak
(b) not speaking or spoken; silent (c) object put on or in a musical instrument to make it sound softer

Posted by Aye Sat
[To be continued]

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Health Words Saying More than Health (2)

(a) no longer alive 
(b) no longer used or usable (c) complete (d) without activity (e) numb (f) (of sound or colour) dull (g) completely (h) directly (i) in the dead of – in the greatest or least active period of 
(a) unable to hear 
(b) deaf to – unwilling to listen to
(a) a state of low mood and aversion to activity
(b) period of reduced business activity (c) hollow in a surface (d) area of low air pressure
(a) limited list of food and drink that someone is allowed for medical reasons
(b) eat according to a diet (c) food and drink usually taken (d) (be / go) on a diet – (be / start) living on a limited list of food usually in order to lose weight
(a) (stomach) removes the substances that body needs and gets rid of the rest
(b) (information) think about it and understand it (c) summary
(a) person trained in medicine
(b) person holding one of the highiest university degrees (c) change dishonestly (d) make (an animal) unable to breed
(a) unable to speak
(b) unwilling to speak; silent (c) stupid
(a) lose consciousness for a short time
(b) feels dizzy and unsteady (c) lacking strength or courage (d) not clear or bright
(a) able to see things only when they are far away
(b) able to judge future effects
(a) extreme physical or mental tiredness
(b) weakness in metals caused by repeated bending (c) (in the army) a job of cleaning or cooking
(a) (disease causing) high body temperature
(b) extreme excitement
(a) physically healthy
(b) short attack of illness, etc. (c) ready to (d) be the right size and shape (for) (e) put in place (f) make suitable for (g) suitable, right (h) sudden loss of consciousness (i) quality of fitting well (j) way that something fits (k) fit in - match; harmonize; make room or time for (l) fit out – supply; furnish (m) fit to be tied – very angry (n) by fits and starts – not regularly (o) have a fit – be very angry or shocked (p) fit as a fiddle – perfectly healthy
Posted by Jade Dame 
[To be continued]

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Health Words Saying More than Health (1)

(a) unable to see 
(b) unwilling to recognize (c) without reason or purpose (d) drunk (e) turn a blind eye – (to) pretend not to see or notice (something especially something illegal) (f) make unable to see or understand (g) blind with science – confuse or fill with admiration by a show of detailed or specialist knowledge (h) place where one may watch animals, birds, etc. without being seen
(a) eye disease causing blindness 
(b) large waterfall 
(a) illness with coldness and shaking 
(b) make or become cold (c) (cause to) have a feeling of cold as from fear (d) unpleasant coldness 
(a) stop breathing because the breathing passage is blocked 
(b) fill (a passage) completely (c) apparatus that controls air going into a gas engine (d) choke back – control (especially violent or sad feeling ) as if by holding in the throat 
(a) illness of the nose and throat 
(b) low temperature (c) unfriendly (d) (of cooked food) allowed to get cool (e) unconscious (f) get / have cold feet – lose courage (g) give / get the cold shoulder – treat / be treated unsympathetically (h) (out) in the cold – not noticed, unwanted (i) catch cold – become ill with a cold 
(a) suddenly fall down due to illness, tiredness or weakness 
(b) (something) falls inwards and becomes smaller or flatter (c) (system or institution) fails completely and suddenly 
(a) painful lump of hard skin on the foot 
(b) (seed of) a tall food plant with long bunches of yellow seeds 
(a) push air out noisily from the lungs 
(b) illness that makes a person cough (c) cough up – produce (money or information) unwillingly 
(a) sudden painful tightening of a muscle 
(b) cause to have a cramp (c) prevent natural growth or development (d) cramp someone's style – prevent someone from showing their abilities to the full 
(a) person who cannot use the limbs, especially the legs, properly 
(b) make into a cripple (c) damage seriously 
(a) make (a disease ) go away 
(b) a bring back to health (c) preserve (food, skin, tobacco) by drying etc. (d) something that cures a person or disease (e) a return to health after illness 
(a) accidently injures oneself on a sharp object 
(b) use sharp things to divide, remove, shorten, make a hole, etc. (c) (of a knife etc. ) be sharp (d) make shorter or smaller (speech) (e) make less in size, amount, etc. (a public service) (f) stay away on purpose (g) put (a film) into final form (h) hurt the feelings of (someone) (i) (of a line, path, etc.) cross (j) stop filming a scene (k) opening made by cutting (l) piece of meat, etc., cut off (m) reduction (n) way in which clothes, hair, etc., are shaped (o) somebody's share of a profit (p) an act of removing a part, to improve or shorten (q) part removed (r) cut corners – do something quickly and cheaply but not perfectly (s) cut it close – leave oneself too little time or money (t) cut it out – stop doing something (u) cut no / not much ice – have no / little influence (v) cut one's losses – stop doing something before one loses any more money (w) cut someone (dead) – refuse to recognize them (x) cut across – go across instead of around; make a different division (y) cut back – reduce (z) cut down – bring down by cutting; knock down or kill (someone) (aa) cut down to size – reduce from too great importance to true or suitable importance (ab) cut in – interrupt; include (ac) cut off – separate by cutting; disconnect; end unexpectedly; disinherit; separate from others (ad) cut out – remove by cutting; make by cutting (dress); stop (ae) not cut out for – not suitable for (af) cut up – cut into little pieces; make unhappy; behave in a humorous way (ag) a cut above – better (ah) cut-and-dried – unlikely to change; fixed
Posted by Jade Dame 
[To be continued]