Sunday, November 28, 2010

Why do you have these ..... belching, blinking, goose bumps, hiccup, ringing in the ears, snoring, and stomach rumbles?

You may swallow extra air into your stomach when you eat or drink very fast, talking while eating and drinking, consuming carbonized drink and using straw to drink. Belching is the normal way to force these excess air through the oesophagus and out of the mouth.

You open and shut your eye-lids many times per minute with or without your knowledge and that is blinking. This action is to clean and moisten your eyes. Your eye-lids automatically close to protect your eyes from possible injury too. Also, your eye-lids and eye lashes work together to get rid of foreign particles out of your eyes.

Goose bumps
When you feel cold, your blood vessels become narrow as much as possible in order to keep the warm blood away from the surface of the skin and prevent losing body heat. Due to the reflex action, special tiny erectopili muscles lifted your hairs and your hair follicles stand out upright, forming goose bumps. They are so-called because they look like the skin of a plucked goose. Fear or anxiety may cause goose bumps in the same way.

When the intake of air is fast, the top of your oesophagus close down and then hiccup occurs. Your air intake may be accelerated if you drink alcohol or carbonated drinks or having sudden excitement or stress. Prolong hiccup can be the consequence of having tumour or an abscess near your oesophagus or heart.

Ringing in the ears
When the air pressure in your inner ear changes, there will be ringing in your ears. If you have an infection or weakened circulation to the inner ears, ringing will be persistent. In this case, ringing that is rapid and regular, distract, present only in one ear or combined with sudden loss of hearing may be seen.

When the soft tissue in your mouth such as soft palate, tonsil and tongue base block the upper airway, you snore. Likewise, if you are overweight, your air way become too full with more soft tissue and trouble breathing, resulting snoring.

Stomach rumbles
It may be of two kinds: low-pitched and high-pitched. Low-pitched stomach rumble indicates that your intestinal muscles are contracting, ready to prepare food. While high-pitched sound signal that you have a bowel obstruction.

Posted by Jade Dame

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What the Library Catalogue is and How it Works

A phrase library catalogueconsists of two words, the library and the catalogue. A library is a building or a room of a building. It keeps books, periodicals, audiovisual materials, and more for people to read, listen or watch. A catalogue is a list of library materials in the library.

Most libraries allow their patrons to borrow books for a certain period. On this occasion, there are enormous or restrictive amount of holdings in the library according to their sizes and specialities. Whether more or less, it seems to be difficult to search for a necessary information. However, it is very easy to find where, how and what we want among numerous subjects. It is the reason for well development of technical know-how.

How the Library Catalogue Create?

A card catalogue is a true proof of one of the library tools in under developed countries. Nowadays it has become an online catalogue in developed countries. A library catalogue is made up of the card catalogues on which books are catalogued according to the AACR (Anglo American Cataloguing Rules), and filed alphabetically for the library users. Each and every card is an enumeration of  all the resources of a library. So, its function is to assist a library patron. How does it help the users? It is actually a guide to find out whether some information we want is available at the library.

What's in the Catalogue?
Librarians make descriptive catalogues of their collections. They have interesting piece of information about the publication data such as authors, titles, edition, publishers, date, page, etc. Moreover, it shows the publication shelved by call number i.e. the combination of the Dewey Decimal Classification number and Author's initial letters. The Accession number on it gives how many copies the library owns, and lots of other information. All of detailed information for every collection are organized together on card catalogues respectively. Therefore, the users can find things in it promptly.

Like a Guidebook

The library catalogue is like a guidebook that gives information for tourists about a city or country.
Similarly, the catalogue will connect the people to the books, periodicals, documents and digital resources, etc. that you seek in the library. Which way does it join?
The catalogue:
[1] shows what the library owns (holdings)
[2] tells us where the collections are 
[3] explains how to get a certain publication 
It gives us also__whether the publication is available or not; if not, the reservation is allowed.

The Amazing and Interesting Library Catalogue
The current online catalogue can hold the infinite variety of information. The traditional old card catalogue keeps the limited publication data in its capacity. The online catalogue contains more information and more searching techniques than the old one. It also has easy connection among other libraries by means of computers. Thus, the library catalogue is not the same as the web, because the two searchings are different between the catalogue and the World Wide Web.

By contrast, our use of www has increased enormously. The reason is that people feel better in abundant knowledge. The World Wide Web contains billions of web pages. But they have no quality control. The readers cannot be sure that information on web is correctly edited or misleading, current or outdated, useful or useless.

Today websites had played a major role in an important information source. Nobody can refuse to accept. Because of that clear conception of Internet knowledge, most librarians are making the library catalogues have links to www.

Posted by Nyan U

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

What OCD is.
OCD is an anxiety disorder in which sufferers do certain things with great attention to detail. They think that something will go wrong if they do something carelessly.
They perfectly understand that their thoughts and actions are not normal. But they cannot control themselves.

Effect of OCD
OCD may disrupt a person's life to a greater extent. However, depending upon individual sufferer, some may be barely bothered, while others spend a lot of time on compulsive actions almost everyday.

Common types
Five common types of OCD exist. They may also appear in combination.
1. Checkers
2. Hoarders
3. Obsessionals
4. Orderers
5.Washers and Cleaners

What they fear and how they behave
Checkers_ fear that they will cause harm and will be blamed if they forget to lock or switch off something. They go on checking and rechecking locks and switches in the house or office.

Hoarders_ have excessive fear of throwing away certain things in belief that they may be useful in the future. They collect and keep both useless and useful items in bulk though they are not able to use up all of them.

Obsessionals_ have violent scenes of hurting a loved one in their thoughts. To get rid of the disturbing thoughts, they repeat words or counting repeatedly.

Orderers_ used to keep objects orderly or in a fixed position before doing a daily routine. They will be bitterly disappointed if those things are shifted or out of place.

Washers and Cleaners_ have a constant fear of contamination, getting a disease and spreading it to other people. They keep away from or discard all possible sources of bacteria and unclean matter.

Do treatment be necessary and effective?
It would be wise to be treated if there are disturbances in performing daily tasks or work because of anxiety. Though treatment may takes long time, most anxiety disorders can be cured or can improve the present condition effectively.

Posted by Jade Dame

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder?
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a mental illness in which people become distressed over the imagined or very slight defect in their appearance.

Who are the sufferers?
Perfectionists, people who are easily stressed or in low-esteem are more likely to suffer. Mostly, teenage girls and women. Some cases of teenage boys may also seen.

What causes BDD?
Precise cause is not known. But a chemical imbalance in the brain or childhood problem or unresolved conflicts may be the cause of BDD.

Which are the features that sufferers hate most?
Most common features are body shape and size, face, hair, skin, breast and private parts.

Can sufferers be treated?
Early treatment with medication and counselling can make full recovery.

What are the results of chronic cases?
Chronic cases may result in depression, anxiety, obsessive behaviour and even attempted suicide.

Case study (1) Miss M was a pretty singer. However, she became to dislike her face. She wanted a fuller one. So she injected herself with paraffin and bean oil. As a result, she got a face that was three times bigger than before. From then on, she was called "fan-faced auntie" by others.

Case study (2) Miss W hated her ears since she was six. She even wished to cut them off. But what she did was, sticking them down with tape. Fortunately, she could cover them with her long hair when she grew up.

Case study (3) Mr P, a junior college student, suffered from BDD. He thought he had an over-sized private part. Though his mother, his girlfriend and his doctor gave him support, he desperately committed suicide.

What are the signs of BDD?
1. Frequent checking of the particular parts that they care in mirrors or other shiny surfaces.
2. Frequent comparing of the appearances that they are unhappy about with those of others.
3. Camouflaging the defect with make-up, clothing, hats, scarf, hands or body position.
4. Visiting several specialists such as plastic surgeons, dermatologists or physicians without necessity.
5. Over grooming oneself.
6. Avoiding mirrors, in order, not to remind the defect.
7. Frequent touching of the part which one is obsessed with.
8. Measuring the body parts that they dislike frequently.
9. Excessive reading about the perceived defect.
10. Avoid socializing with others.

Posted by Jade Dame