Sunday, February 27, 2011

What They Say.....(6)

Scler-: hard
eg. Scleredema_ hard non pitting edema of the skin, having a waxy appearance with no demarcation and occurring mainly in females with diabetes mellitus.
Semi-: partially
eg. Semiconscious_ not completely aware of sensation; partially conscious.
Spiro-: breathing
eg. Spirometer_ instrument for measuring the volume of air entering and leaving the lungs.
Splen-: spleen
eg. Splenomegaly_ enlargement of the spleen.
Steno-: narrow
eg. Stenosis_ an abnormal narrowing or contraction of a duct or canal.
Sub-: below; less than
eg. Subnormal_ below normal.
Tachy-: fast, accelerated
eg. Tachycardia_ abnormally rapid heart rate.
Tele-: distance, distant
eg. Teletheraphy_ radiation therapy that is administered at a distance from the body.
Thel-: nipples
eg. Thelalgia_ pain in the nipples.
Thorac-: chest
eg. Thoracoscope_ instrument for examining the chest cavity.
Thrombo-: clot
eg. Thrombosis_ formation of a clot in the blood that either blocks or partially blocks a blood vessel.
Thyro-: thyroid
eg. Thyroidectomy_ a surgical procedure in which all or part of the thyroid gland is removed.
Tox-: poison, poisonous
eg. Toxemia_ the presence of bacterial toxins in the blood stream, also called blood poisoning.
Tracheo-: wind pipe; trachea
eg. Tracheomalacia_ degeneration of the elastic and connective tissues of the trachea.
Uro-: urinary tract
eg. Urosepsis_ bacteremia resulting from urinary tract infection.
Vaso-: vessel or duct
eg. Vasodilation_ an increase in the diameter of a blood vessel.
Xeno-: stranger, foreigner
eg. Xenophobia_ irrational fear of strangers.
Xero-: dry
eg. Xeroderma_ abnormally dry skin.

Posted by Jade Dame

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What They Say. . . . .(5)

Para-: disordered, beyond
eg. Paraplegia_ paralysis of the lower part of the body, including the legs.
Patho-: disease
eg. Pathogen_ disease causing agent.
Pedo-: child, children
eg. Pedophillia_ sex or sexual activity with children who have not reached puberty.
Pell-: skin
eg. Pellagra_ disease caused by a deficiency of protein and niacin resulting in skin lesions.
Peri-: around
eg. Pericolitis_ inflammation around the colon, especially of its peritoneal coat.
Phago-: eating, ingestion
eg. Phagocytosis_ the engulfing of microorganisms or other cells and foreign particles by phagocytes.
Phreni-: diaphragm
eg. Phrenitis_ inflammation of the diaphragm.
Pleur-: side
eg. Pleurodont_ teeth that are attached by their sides to the inner side of the jaw.
Pneumo-: lungs, air or breath
eg. Pneumonia_ infection of the lung.
Polio-: grey
eg. Poliomyelitis_ viral disease that cause inflammation of the grey matter of the brain stem and spinal cord.
Poly-: many or much
eg. Polyuria_ excessive production of urine.
Post-: after, behind
eg. Postmortem examination_ an examination of a body after death by a person trained in pathology.
Pre-: before
eg. Prenatal_ occurring before birth.
Pseudo-: false
eg. Pseudopapilloedema_ conditions in which the optic disc is elevated resembling papilloedema.
Psych-: mind, mental
eg. Psychosis_ a symptom or feature of mental illness typically characterized by radical changes in personality, impaired functioning, and a distorted or nonexistent sense of objective reality.
Pub-: adult
eg. Puberty_ sexual maturation into adulthood.
Pyo-: pus
eg. Pyoderma_ skin diseases associated with the formation of or caused by pus.
Pyro-: heat, fire
eg. Pyrosis_ burning sensation in the chest.

Retro-: backward, behind
eg. Retropharyngeal abscess_ a collection of pus in the tissues behind the pharynx accompanied by difficulty in swallowing, fever and pain.

Posted by Jade Dame