Sunday, April 25, 2010

Animal Names and Their Usage (1)

(a) a large monkey with no tail
(b) copy (behaviour) stupidly
(a) an animal related to a horse but smaller and with long ears
(b) foolish person

(a) a wild animal which has a white head with two wide black stripes on it
(b) ask again and again
(a) kind of fish that can be eaten
(b) (man with) the lowest human singing voice  (c) instrument with the same range of notes as this
(a) a small flying animal that looks like a mouse with leathery wings
(b) not bat an eye lid – show no sign of shock (c) own bat – do without anyone else suggestion (d) as blind as a bat – not able to see well
(a) a large, strong, wild animal with thick fur and sharp claws
(b) bear with – show patience towards (c) bear down – defeat (d) bear on / upon – relate to (e) bear out – support the truth of (f) bear up – show courage or strength in spite of difficulties
(a) a furry animal like a large rat with a big flat tail
(b) beaver away – working very hard at
(a) an insect that makes a buzzing noise as it flies and usually has a yellow-and-black striped body 
(b) a bee in one's bonnet – fixed idea (c) the bee's knees – the best person or thing
(a) a creature with feathers and wings
(b) kill two birds with one stone – have two good results (c) birds of a feather – people of the same kind
(a) a female dog
(b) make nasty or unpleasant remarks about others
(a) tiny insect, especially that causes damage
(b) eager interest in something (c) trouble (someone) continuously (d) cause to worry or annoy (e) bitten by a bug – suddenly become very enthusiatic about something
(a) male of cattle and some other large animals
(b) take the bull by the horns – face difficulties with courage (c) bull in a china shop – person who is rough where care is needed
(a) insect with large coloured wings
(b) person who spends all his / her time running after pleasure (c) have butterflies in one's stomach – feel very nervous before doing something
Posted by Jade Dame
[To be continued]

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Travelling and Temperature

The climate is the weather conditions of a region including temperature, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year. Different places in the world have different climates. The weather is changeable all the year round. Weather could affect one's health and travel plans of many people.
It is necessary not to let severe regional weather ruin our trip-plan ahead. The country weather brochure will provide the travellers with the best times of the year to make a particular journey. It gives the accurate and detailed information about weather hazard. It more or less occurs in each country around the world.
If someone made a visit to the Singapore, what does he really need to know? It will be the overall weather and climate to travel overseas. Here someone will get some facts about the temperature of Singapore. Good to know before one leaves.
Month__Daily Mean* (°C)
* Calculated by averaging the daily temperature for each month for the 27 year period (1982 – 2008)
Source: Weather-wise Singapore. National Environment Agency. p.48.
Posted by Junk Guy

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Health Words Saying More than Health (6)

(a) small solid piece of medicine
(b) many sheets of paper fastened together (c) flat piece of stone or metal with words on it
(a) of or being an illness that will cause death
(b) main building for passengers or goods at an airport, port, etc. (c) apparatus for giving instructions to and getting information from a computer (d) place for electrical connections
(a) short medical examination
(b) set of questions or jobs to measure someone's knowledge or skill (c) use of something to see how well it works (d) put to the test – find out the qualities of (something) by use (e) study or examine with a test (f) provide difficult conditions for (g) search by means of tests
(a) infectious disease of the mouth, throat and vagina
(b) common singing bird with a spotted breast
(a) try to cure medically
(b) deal with or handle (c) act or behave towards (d) put through a chemical or industrial action (e) pay for (someone's) food, drink, amusement, etc. (f) something that gives great pleasure especially when unexpected (g) act of treating someone

(a) part of a hospital for a particular group of sick people
(b) political division of a city (c) person legally protected by another (d) ward off – keep away (something bad)
(a) do not have very much strength or energy
(b) having little taste (c) unable to control people (d) not reaching a good standard (e) likely to break, be destroyed or fail
(a) in good health
(b) in a good way (c) thoroughly (d) much; quite (e) suitably; properly (f) as well – also (g) as well as – in addition to (h) come off well – be lucky in the end (i) do well – succeed or improve (j) do well out of – gain profit from (k) do well to – act wisely to (l) just as well – it is fortunate (that); there's no harm done (m) may well – could suitably (n) pretty well – almost (o) well and truly – completely (p) well under way off - to a good start (q) Well done ! - (said when someone has been successful (r) place where water can be taken from underground (s) deep narrow space inside a building for stairs or an elevator (t) flow

(a) open the mouth wide and breathe deeply especially from tiredness
(b) be (come) wide open (c) act of yawning (d) something dull

Posted by Jade Dame

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Health Words Saying More than Health (5)

(a) sudden violent attack of an illness especially a heart attack or an epileptic
(b) a group of people suddenly take control of the place, using force
(a) ill
(b) throwing or about to throw food up out of the stomach (c) feeling annoyance, dislike, and loss of patience (d) cruel in an unnatural or unhealthy way (e) worried sick – very worried
(a) painful usually infected place on the body
(b) painful, especially from a wound or hard use (c) likely to cause offence (d) angry
(a) in good condition or healthy
(b) what is or may be heard (c) idea produced by something read or heard (d) seem when heard (e) (cause to) make a sound (f) signal by making sounds (g) measure the depth of (water, etc.) using a line with a weight on the end (h) pronounce (i) showing good sense or judgement (j) thorough (k) (of sleep) deep and untroubled (l) as sound as a bell – in perfect condition (m) sound off – express an opinion freely and forcefully (n) sound out – try to find out the opinion on intention of
(a) muscle of joint ache when move because of illness or too much exercise
(b) not easily bent or changed in shape (c) formal; not friendly (d) strong (especially in alcohol) (e) difficult; severe (f) extremely
(a) damage (a body part) through too much effort or pressure
(b) make (too) great efforts (c) separate (a liquid and solid) by pouring through especially a strainer (d) force beyond acceptable or believable limits (e) (force causing) the condition of being tightly stretched (f) troubling influence (g) damage caused by straining a body part (h) breed or type of plant or animal
(a) (worry resulting from) pressure caused by difficulties
(b) force of weight caused by pressure (c) sense of special importance (d) degree of force put on a part of a word when spoken, or on a note in music (e) mention strongly (f) put stress on
(a) sudden bursting of a blood tube in the brain
(b) pass the hand over gently (c) treat in a kind way especially to gain favour (d) hit especially with a weapon (e) act of stroking (f) line made by a single movement of a pen or brush (g) act of hitting a ball (h) (single movement or set of movements that is repeated in) a method of swimming (i) unexpected piece (of luck) (j) sound of a clock striking (k) at a stroke – with one direct action
(a) infected place on the eyelid
(b) pigsty – a hut with a yard where pigs are kept on a farm
(a) continue to live in spite of coming close to death
(b) continue to live after someone died (c) (difficult experience) manage to cope with it and do not let it affect too badly (d) survive on – (money, food) earn / have just enough
(a) in a sweat / in a cold sweat – sweating a lot because of illness or anxiety
(b) body liquid that comes out through the skin (c) produce sweat (d) hard work or effort (d) no sweat – (something) will not cause any difficulty (f) sweat blood – work unusually hard
(a) increase gradually to beyond the usual or original size as a result of an illness or injury
(b) fill or be filled giving a full round shape (c) rolling up and down movement of the surface of the sea (d) (feelings or sounds) suddenly get stronger or louder
(a) outward sign of a disease
(b) outward sign of inner change, new feelings, etc.
(a) set of medical symptoms which represent an illness
(b) any pattern of qualities, happenings, etc., typical of a general condition
Posted by Aye Sat 
[To be continued]