Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Dhammapada 109 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

8 - Sahassavaggo, Thousands
8 - Ayuvaddhanakumara Vatthu

Abhivadanasilissa, niccam vuddhapacayino;
cattaro dhamma vaddhanti, ayu vanno sukham balam.
109: For one who always respects and honours those who are older and more virtuous, four benefits, viz., longevity, beauty, happiness and strength, will increase.
Reference: Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Monday, December 26, 2016

Dhamma Terms (79)

ပါရဂူ /pa ragu/ n 1 specialist. 2 Doctor of Philosophy. [Pali ပါရဂူ]

ပါရမီ /pa rami/ n 1. accquired virtue. 2 aptitude. [Pali ပါရမီ]

ပါရမီဆယ္ပါး /pa rami hse ba:/

n the ten principal virtues, namely ဒါန၊ သီလ၊ နိကၡမ၊ ပညာ၊ ဝီရိယ၊ သစၥာ၊ ခႏၲီ၊ ေမတၱာ၊ ဥေပကၡာ၊ အဓိ႒ာန္.

ပါရမီျဖည့္ /pa rami hpjei./ 
v 1 strive to attain the virtues. 2 help others to attain the virtues.

ပါဠိ /pa li./ n Pali, the Prakrit language of the Buddhist Scriptures. [Pali ပါဠိ]

ပါဠိေတာ္ /pa li. do/ n the teaching of the Lord Buddha.

ပိဋက /bi. daga./ n Buddhist Scriptures. [Pali ပိဋက]

ပိဋကတ္ /bi. daga'/ 
n the Pitakas; the three repositories of Buddhist Scriptures. Also တိပိဋက. [Pali ပိဋကတၱယ]

ပီတိ /piti./ n delight; joy; elation; euphoria. [Pali ပီတိ]

ပီယဝါစာ /pi ja wa sa/ n sweet and pleasing words or manner of talking. [Pali ပီယဝါစာ]

ပုတီးစိပ္ /badi: sei'/ 
v tell (one's) beads. /badi: zei'/ n ritual Pali stanzas recited by a novice when telling his beads.

ပုထုဇဉ္ /pu. htu. zin/ 
n ordinary human being (with the usual failings and foibles. [Pali ပုထုဇန]

ပုထိုး /pahtou:/ n stupa with a vaulted base. [Pali ဗုေဒၶါ / ထူပ]

ပုရိမဝါ /pu. ri. ma. wa/ 
n Buddhist lent beginning from first waning day of ဝါဆိုလ. [Pali ပုရိမ+Sans ...]

ပူေဇာ္ /pu zo/ v 1 worship. 2 make a devotional offering. [Pali ပူဇာ]

ပူေဇာ္သကာ /pu zo thaka/ n Same as ပူေဇာ္သကၠာရ n. [Pali ပူဇာသကၠာရ]

ပူေဇာ္သကၠာရ /pu zo the' ka ja./ n act of offering sth reverently. [Pali ပူဇာသကၠာရ]

Posted by Nyan U