Sunday, May 30, 2010

Animal Names and Their Usage (6)

(a) a small bird which is often shot and eaten
(b) be afraid, tremble

(a) an adult male sheep
(b) run into (something) very hard (c) force into place with heavy pressure (d) ram home (a fact or idea) – makes fully understand or accept
(a) animal like a large mouse
(b) rat on – betray (c) worthless disloyal person
(a) large black bird, like a crow
(b) one of the powerful pieces in the game of chess (c) cheat

(a) a large shiny animal without legs,which eats fish and live partly on land and partly in the sea
(b) fasten or close (as if) with a seal (c) make (more) certain, formal or solemn (d) set the seal on – bring to an end in a suitable way (e) seal someone's fate – make someone's death or punishment certain (f) seal off – close tightly so as not to allow entrance or escape
(a) animal that eats grass, farmed for its wool and meat
(b) black sheep – person who is easily led (c) black sheep of a group – everyone else in the group is good except that one person is bad
(a) very small mouse like animal
(b) bad-tempered angry woman
(a) small North American animal which gives out an unpleasantly smelly liquid when attacked
(b) person who is bad, unfair, etc.
(a) animal of South America that moves slowly
(b) to be a sloth – lazy
(a) a small, slow-moving creature with a long, slimy body, like a snail without a shell
(b) hit hard (c) amount of strong alcoholic drink taken at one swallow (d) bullet
(a) a long, thin reptile with no legs
(b) move twistingly (c) a snake in the grass – a false friend
(a) large dangerous fish with sharp teeth
(b) a person clever at getting money from others in dishonest ways

Posted by Jade Dame
[To be continued]

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Animal Names and Their Usage (5)

(a) kind of hawk
(b) frame covered with paper or cloth, for fly in the air
(a) young cat
(b) have a kitten – be in a very nervous anxious condition

(a) young sheep
(b) give birth to lamb (c) harmless gentle person
(a) a small brown bird that has a pleasant song
(b) do (something) for a lark – do for fun rather than for any serious purpose (c) lark about – enjoy doing silly things
(a) worm like creature that sucks blood
(b) person who makes profits from others
(a) large, wild member of the cat family
(b) the lion's share – the biggest part (c) famous and important person
(a) insect that lives on people's and animals' bodies
(b) worthless person

(a) a small animal with a long tail that climbs trees
(b) monkey around – play foolishly (c) make a monkey (out) of someone - make someone appear foolish (d) monkey business - secret behaviour which causes trouble (e) child full of playful tricks
(a) furry animal with a long tail, like a rat but smaller
(b) quiet nervous person

(a) flat shellfish, often eaten
(b) the world is one's / someone's oyster there are – no limits on where one / someone can go etc.

(a) a tropical bird with a curved beak and brightly-coloured or grey feathers
(b) repeat someone else's words or actions without thought or understanding
(a) a pink or black animal with short legs and not much hair on its skin
(b) pig out – eat too much at one meal (c) make a pig of oneself – eat or drink too much (d) person who is dirty or eat too much
(a) fairly large, light grey-coloured bird 
(b) person who is easily deceived

Posted by Jade Dame
[To be continued]

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Animal Names and Their Usage (4)

(a) wild animals and birds hunted for food and sport
(b) form of play or sport (c)single part of a match in tennis etc. (d)secret trick (e) profession or activity (f) brave and willing
(a) bacterium carrying disease
(b) beginning of an idea, etc.
(a) horned animal like a sheep
(b) get one's goat – annoy one
(a) bird like a large duck
(b) silly person
(a) small fat bird which is shot for food and sport
(b) grumble
(a) insect in the worm like stage
(b) food (c) dig with hands or paws
Guinea pig:
(a) small tailless animal sometimes used in scientific tests
(b) person on whom something is tested

(a) an animal like a large rabbit with long ears, long legs, and a small tail
(b) hare off / hare away – run off very fast
(a) a large bird with a short hooked bill and sharp claws
(b) watch (someone) like a hawk – watch very carefully (c) hawk around – sell (goods) on the street or at the doors of houses
(a) pig
(b) person who eat too much (c) go the whole hog – do something thoroughly (d) take and keep (all of something) for oneself (e) road hog – fast selfish careless driver
(a) large animal with four legs, that people ride on, etc.
(b) play roughly or waste time in rough play
(a) hunting dog
(b) chase and worry
Posted by Jade Dame
[To be continued]

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Animal Names and Their Usage (3)

(a) common animal with four legs, useful to humans
(b) go to the dogs – be ruined (c) a dog's life – a very unhappy life (d) let sleeping dogs lie – leave something alone
(a) large reptile which lived in prehistoric times and which are now extinct
(b) something very large and old-fashioned that no longer works well
(a) animal like a small horse, with long ears
(b) fool
(a) a very common water bird with short legs, webbed feet, a short neck, and a large beak
(b) lower (one's head) quickly (c) push (someone) under water (d) try to avoid responsibility (e) duck into – move (into a place) in order to escape danger (f) sitting duck – one easy to attack or cheat

(a) a small, white, fierce animal
(b) ferret out – find by searching thoroughly
(a) a creature that lives in water and that has a tail and fins
(b) bring out or up (c) fish for – search indirectly (d) drink like a fish – drink too much alcohol
(a) a very small jumping insect that feeds on the blood of humans and animals
(b) with a flea in ear – speak to (someone) angrily and reject his / her suggestion or attempt to do something
(a) a small insect with two wings
(b) go fast (c) raise (a flag) (d) fly at / let fly – attack with words, bullets or blows (e) fly into a rage / temper – become suddenly angry (f) fly off the handle – become suddenly and unexpectedly angry (g) fly in the ointment – something that spoils the perfection of something (h) like flies – in very large numbers
(a) a wild animal which looks like a dog and has reddish brown fur
(b) confuse, deceive
(a) a small creature with smooth skin, big eyes, and long back legs which it uses for jumping
(b) frog in the throat – difficulty in speaking because of roughness in the throat or emotion

Posted by Jade Dame
[To be continued]

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Animal Names and Their Usage (2)

(a) a small, furry animal with a tail, whiskers and sharp claws which is often kept as a pet
(b) let the cat out of the bag – tell a secret (usually unintentionally) (c) rain cats and dogs – rain very heavily (d) a game of a cat and mouse – treat someone in an unfair or cruel way (e) fat cat – wealthy person with a bad influence or way of life
(a) worm like creature that eats leaves
(b) vehicle with endless chain of plates on the wheels
(a) a young cow
(b) the thick part at the back of leg between ankle and knee
(a) common farmyard bird, especially a young one
(b) chicken out – decide not to do something because one is frightened (c) a chicken and egg situation – impossible to decide which of two things caused the other one (d) count one's chickens before they're hatched – make plans depending on something which has not yet happened
(a) large shell fish
(b) clam up – become silent
(a) an adult male chicken
(b) raise up (c) cock up – ruin (d) keep ears cocked – listen very carefully for something
(a) female of cattle and some other large animals
(b) frightened into obedience
(a) tall water bird with long legs
(b) stretch out (one's neck) to see better
(c) machine with a movable arm for lifting heavy objects
(a) jumping insect that makes a loud noise
(b) an outdoor game played between two teams. Players try to score points, called runs, by hitting a ball with a wooden bat
(a) large tropical river reptile
(b) crocodile tears – insincere sorrow
(a) large shiny black bird
(b) crow about / crow over – speak proudly (c) as the crow flies – in a straight line (d) eat crow – admit one is wrong

Posted by Jade Dame
[To be continued]