Sunday, January 31, 2010

Body Related English Words (3)

(a) front part of the head from chin to forehead 
(b) expression of the face (c) front; surface (d) position of respect (e) face to face – in someone's direct presence (f) in the face of – in opposition to (g) on the face of it – apparently (h) make a face / faces – make an expression with the face (i) to someone's face – openly in their presence (j) turn the face towards (k) meet and oppose (l) cover the front of (m) face up to – be brave enough to deal with (n) show face (some where) – to go there (o) save face – do (something) in order to avoid losing people's respect (p) the face of the earth / world – the whole world / earth (q) take at face value – accept (remark or compliment) without thinking what its real meaning on purpose might be 
(a) (shape of) a human body 
(b) person (c) (sign for) a number (d) price (e) diagram (f) take a part (g) believe (h) that figures – that seems reasonable (i)figure on – plan on; include in one's plan (j) figure out – discover by thinking 
(a) any of the 5 end parts of the hand 
(b) part of a covering for the hand,covering a finger (c) object shaped like a finger (d) (have) a finger in every pie – (have) a part in every thing that is going on (e) keep one's fingers crossed – hope for the best (f) lay a finger on – harm (g) not lift a finger – make no effort to help (h) put one's finger on – find (i) twist around one's little finger – successfully influence (j) feel with one's fingers (k) green fingers – very good at gardening 
(a) side of a person, animal or moving army 
(b) be placed beside 
(a) soft part of the person that covers the bones 
(b) soft part of a fruit (c) a person's skin (d) flesh and blood – a human beings (e) own flesh and blood – one's relatives (f) in the flesh – in real life 
(a) end part of the leg 
(b) bottom (c) (measure of length equal to) 12 inches (d) a foot in the door – favourable position from which to advance, gain influence, etc. (e) on foot – walking (f) put one's feet up – rest (g) put one's foot down – speak firmly (h) put one's foot in one's mouth – say the wrong thing (i) set foot in / on – enter; visit (j) foot the bill – pay the bill  

Grey matter: 
(a) the brain 
(b) power of thought 
(a) flesh in which the teeth are fixed 
(b) sticky plant substance (c) stick with gum 
(a) tube inside the body through which food passes while it is beings digested 
(b) thread made from animal bowels (c) take out the inner organs of (d) destroy the inside of (a building) (e) coming from feelings rather than thought (f) guts – bravery and determination (g) gut course – very easy college course (h) hate (someone's) guts – dislike very intensely
Posted by Jade Dame 
[To be continued]

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Body Related English Words (2)

(a) small unit of living matter
(b) small room (c) apparatus for making electricity chemically (d) single group of people in a secret organization
(a) either side of the face below the eye
(b) rude behaviour
(a) upper front part of the body
(b) large strong box (c) get (something) off one's chest – bring (a worry) out into the open by talking
(a) lower part of the bowels
(b) a punctuation mark (:)
(a) top of a head (hat, hill, etc.)
(b) circular head decoration, especially for a king or queen (c) royal power (d) artificial cap on a tooth (e) place a crown on the head (f) cover the top of (g) complete worthily (h) to crown it all – to complete good or bad luck

(a) muscle separating the lungs from the stomach
(b) thin plate in telephone, camera, etc. (c) small round contraceptive device that a woman places inside her vagina

(a) either of the two parts of the head with which we hear
(b) good recognition of sounds (c) all ears – listening eagerly (d) play by ear – play music without written notes (e) up to one's ears in - -deep in; very busy with
(a) joint where the arm bends
(b) push with the elbows  
(a) hard surface of the teeth
(b) glassy covering on metal, etc. (c) cover with enamel
(a) either of the two parts of the head with which we see
(b) way of seeing (c) hole in a needle (d) ring into which a hook fits (e) be in a public eye – be often seen by the public (f) have an eye for – be able to judge (g) in one's mind's eye – in one's imagination (h) in the eyes of – in the opinion of (i) keep an eye on – watch carefully (j) lay eyes on – catch sight of (k) see eye to eye – agree completely (l) up to one's eyes in – very busy with (m) look closely

Posted by Jade Dame

[To be continued]

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Body Related English Words (1)

(a) small organ leading off the bowel 
(b) something added at the end of a book 
(a) upper limb 
(b) something shaped like this (c) part of a garment that covers the arm (d) part or division of the armed forces (e) arm and a leg – high price (f) arm in arm (of two people – with arms joined) (g) keep someone at arm's length – avoid being friendly with someone (h) with open arms – gladly and eagerly (i) supply with weapons 
(a) tube that carries blood from the heart to the rest of your body 
(b) main road, passage, etc.
(a) the part of one's body opposite the chest, from the neck to the bottom of the spine 
(b) the part furthest from the direction that something moves in or faces (c) the less important side of something (d) the part of a chair that one leans against (e) the end of a book or newspaper (f) back to back – with the back facing each other (g) be glad to see the back of someone – be glad when someone goes away (h) behind someone's back – without their knowledge (i) be flat on one's back – be helpless because of illness etc. (j) get off someone's back – stop annoying someone (k) have / with one's back to the wall – (be) in the greatest difficulties (l) turn one's back on someone – leave someone (esp. when one should stay) (m) in or into an earlier place (n) towards the back (o) away from the speaker (p) in reply (q) in an earlier time (r) back and forth – in one direction then in the opposite direction (s) more backwards (t) support and encourage (u) risk money on (v) be or make the back of (w) back down / back off – give up an argument (x) back onto – (of a place) have at the back (y) back out – not fulfil a promise (z) back up – support in an argument; move a vehicle back wards; copy a computer file 
(a) spine
(b) main support (c) strength of character
(a) the part of the human body between the chest and legs 
(b) curved surface like this (c) belly-button – navel
(a) liquid formed in the liver
(b) bad temper
(a) skin bag inside the body, where waste liquid collects  
(b) any bag that can be filled with air or liquid
(a) red liquid that flows through the body
(b) family relationship (c) in cold blood – cruelly and on purpose (d) make someone's blood boil – make someone very angry (e) make someone's blood run cold – frighten someone (f) bad blood – feeling of hate and anger (g) new blood; fresh blood;young blood – new people who are introduced into an organization and whose fresh ideas are likely to improve it
(a) person's whole physical structure, alive or dead
(b) this without the head or limbs (c) main part of something (d) group of people (e) object; piece of matter (f) large amount (g) keep body and soul together – remain alive (by getting money for food)
(a) any of the various hard parts of the body which are surrounded by flesh and skin
(b) cut to the bone – reduce as much as possible (c) feel in one's bones – believe strongly though without proof (d) have a bone to pick with someone – have something to complain about (e) make no bones about – feel no doubt or shame about (f) take bones out of (fish, etc.) (g) bare bones – simplest but most important parts or facts (h) funny / crazy bone – tender part of the elbow (i) a bag of bones / all skin and bone – very thin (j) feel / know in bones – certain about something, although cannot explain why
(a) part of the body that one sits on
(b) base; lowest part or level (c) ground under the sea, a lake etc. (d) cause (e) at bottom – really (f) from the bottom of one's heart – truly (g) knock the bottom out of – take away the necessary support on which something rests (h) bottom out – reach the lowest point before rising again
(a) pipe that carries waste matter from the stomach
(b) inside part
(a) the organ in the head that controls thought
(b) mind; intelligence (c) clever person (d) have something on the brain – think about something continually or too much (e) hit on the head
(a) part of a woman's body which produces milk
(b) upper front part of the body (c) make a clean breast of – tell the whole truth about (d) push aside with one's chest
(a) eyebrow
(b) forehead (c) top of a hill
Posted by Jade Dame

[To be continued]

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Facts About Facts

A fact concerns with an actual effective truth that can be checked and confirmed. In other words, it is any knowledge on which real occurrences happen. Every subject is very closely related to deal with it. So, we have to find facts in various subjects if necessary. Whatever we do, first we must collect all the facts of we case, because the fact is so important to know. The more we have the facts the greater is the result, but it needs to get good facts which give us much supports.

Infinite variety of facts can roughly be classified according to particular field of subject. Some of those are: bad fact, good fact, interesting fact, nutrition fact, knowledgeable fact, etc. We should take great care of reading and using some of the facts which are misleading. For instance, there's an old adage that states "bad facts make bad law". And also, nutrition facts for knowledge can sometimes be confusing. Similarly, facts about smoking can be a confusing issue for children. Adults tell their children not to smoke and drink, but they drink and smoke. And thus, kids get this kind of dangerous facts directly from the adult's behaviour.

People have a right to know the important facts for their self-development. The best facts can make a remarkable progress of human life. We are motivated ourselves to put them into practice. The messages of facts for all in modern age should also be collected from the up-to-date findings.

Whatever communities it may be, people in all walks of life, young and old, friends and neighbours, men and women must communicate, exchange and share the beneficial and essential facts among themselves. The efficient communicators have to know who needs the facts, for oneself or for others.

Actually facts are pieces of information upon which our business is run. Facts and truth always depend each other. Fact-producing sources require to take on trust. Someone is interested in facts but not in platitudes. So, facts should not only be true but should also be attractive. Facts can also create entirely by adding from other sources to it. Like a mosaic facts bring out the shape of every work.

There are endless fact-producing information entering into our world in a various types. Some of them have firm sources, not some have. The right sources may be traceable and verified, but some may not. The more the application of facts is important the more in awareness is needed.

Let us provide our world with factual information on peace.

Posted by Junk Guy

Sunday, January 3, 2010


FactsFirm represents:
F _Factor 
S _Substantiation 
F _Force 
R _Reliable 
Posted by Jade Dame

Friday, January 1, 2010

A Happy New Year to Everybody!

A year is new and we are older. 
We might be more mature. 
We greet, '' Happy New Year '' to each other. 
Will we be really happy ever after? 
It depends on what we've done. 
We can work hard for the next year to be a happy one. 
Let's try our best to be truly happy throughout every new year!
Posted by Junk Guy and Jade Dame