Sunday, January 31, 2010

Body Related English Words (3)

(a) front part of the head from chin to forehead 
(b) expression of the face (c) front; surface (d) position of respect (e) face to face – in someone's direct presence (f) in the face of – in opposition to (g) on the face of it – apparently (h) make a face / faces – make an expression with the face (i) to someone's face – openly in their presence (j) turn the face towards (k) meet and oppose (l) cover the front of (m) face up to – be brave enough to deal with (n) show face (some where) – to go there (o) save face – do (something) in order to avoid losing people's respect (p) the face of the earth / world – the whole world / earth (q) take at face value – accept (remark or compliment) without thinking what its real meaning on purpose might be 
(a) (shape of) a human body 
(b) person (c) (sign for) a number (d) price (e) diagram (f) take a part (g) believe (h) that figures – that seems reasonable (i)figure on – plan on; include in one's plan (j) figure out – discover by thinking 
(a) any of the 5 end parts of the hand 
(b) part of a covering for the hand,covering a finger (c) object shaped like a finger (d) (have) a finger in every pie – (have) a part in every thing that is going on (e) keep one's fingers crossed – hope for the best (f) lay a finger on – harm (g) not lift a finger – make no effort to help (h) put one's finger on – find (i) twist around one's little finger – successfully influence (j) feel with one's fingers (k) green fingers – very good at gardening 
(a) side of a person, animal or moving army 
(b) be placed beside 
(a) soft part of the person that covers the bones 
(b) soft part of a fruit (c) a person's skin (d) flesh and blood – a human beings (e) own flesh and blood – one's relatives (f) in the flesh – in real life 
(a) end part of the leg 
(b) bottom (c) (measure of length equal to) 12 inches (d) a foot in the door – favourable position from which to advance, gain influence, etc. (e) on foot – walking (f) put one's feet up – rest (g) put one's foot down – speak firmly (h) put one's foot in one's mouth – say the wrong thing (i) set foot in / on – enter; visit (j) foot the bill – pay the bill  

Grey matter: 
(a) the brain 
(b) power of thought 
(a) flesh in which the teeth are fixed 
(b) sticky plant substance (c) stick with gum 
(a) tube inside the body through which food passes while it is beings digested 
(b) thread made from animal bowels (c) take out the inner organs of (d) destroy the inside of (a building) (e) coming from feelings rather than thought (f) guts – bravery and determination (g) gut course – very easy college course (h) hate (someone's) guts – dislike very intensely
Posted by Jade Dame 
[To be continued]

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