Sunday, January 24, 2010

Body Related English Words (2)

(a) small unit of living matter
(b) small room (c) apparatus for making electricity chemically (d) single group of people in a secret organization
(a) either side of the face below the eye
(b) rude behaviour
(a) upper front part of the body
(b) large strong box (c) get (something) off one's chest – bring (a worry) out into the open by talking
(a) lower part of the bowels
(b) a punctuation mark (:)
(a) top of a head (hat, hill, etc.)
(b) circular head decoration, especially for a king or queen (c) royal power (d) artificial cap on a tooth (e) place a crown on the head (f) cover the top of (g) complete worthily (h) to crown it all – to complete good or bad luck

(a) muscle separating the lungs from the stomach
(b) thin plate in telephone, camera, etc. (c) small round contraceptive device that a woman places inside her vagina

(a) either of the two parts of the head with which we hear
(b) good recognition of sounds (c) all ears – listening eagerly (d) play by ear – play music without written notes (e) up to one's ears in - -deep in; very busy with
(a) joint where the arm bends
(b) push with the elbows  
(a) hard surface of the teeth
(b) glassy covering on metal, etc. (c) cover with enamel
(a) either of the two parts of the head with which we see
(b) way of seeing (c) hole in a needle (d) ring into which a hook fits (e) be in a public eye – be often seen by the public (f) have an eye for – be able to judge (g) in one's mind's eye – in one's imagination (h) in the eyes of – in the opinion of (i) keep an eye on – watch carefully (j) lay eyes on – catch sight of (k) see eye to eye – agree completely (l) up to one's eyes in – very busy with (m) look closely

Posted by Jade Dame

[To be continued]

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